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Customer Help & Support

If you want to write to us, our address is:

Vista (NW) Limited
Watergate House
Watergate Street

If you need extra support to understand the information we have provided

Please get in touch with your usual contact at Vista NW. 

Our telephone number is 01244 662025. 

Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes.


If you would like your documents in a different format, please let us know and we will endeavour to meet your personal needs.

If you’re struggling to pay your premium

Please get in touch, confidentially, with your usual contact at Vista NW.

Our telephone number is 01244 662025.


What to do if you want to make a change to or cancel your policy

Please get in touch with your usual contact at Vista NW. 

Our telephone number is 01244 662025.


Any premium refund will be paid to you when we have received funds from your insurer.

How to make a Complaint

Please get in touch with your usual contact at Vista NW.

If you prefer you can write to our Quality & Compliance Team:

Our telephone number is 0161 393 7111.

Alternatively, you can email us at


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